I have great memories of reading as I was growing up. I can remember my mom reading to me in her bed many mornings. I never wanted to stop. I wanted book after book after book. I think the reading my parents did when I was younger helped my love of reading grow and grow. I still love to read even though my ‘to read’ pile is much larger these days because of two young children keeping me busy.

I can’t imagine life without books and I am devastated at the thought of children growing up without a book in their home. Even worse, many children (1 in 3) in the United States are starting school way behind everyone else and they’re not expected to ever catch up. Starting off behind is going to hurt those children in many, many ways. We have a lot of books in our house for our children and I’m realizing how lucky we are to be able to provide these and read them to our children. Now that I know that there are kids out there without a single book in their home I have a desire to see what I can do beyond this year’s Read for the Record campaign to help children read and learn and be ready for school.

A great way to get started in helping the children in our communities is by pledging to read on October 6, 2011. The goal for Jumpstart’s Read for the Record is to get a record breaking 2.1 million pledges to read and help bridge the early learning gap. There are events going on in many communities and at your local Gymboree Play & Music locations where they will be reading Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney. Gymboree Play & Music, a partner for the third year in a row, is offering a free red pajama reading party at every location. Once you have pledged to read, call your local Gymboree Play & Music to let them know you’d like to attend their party. Also, if you get your pledge in by September 30, you will be automatically entered into a drawing to win one of twenty $77 gift cards for 77Kids by American Eagle.

Please, go sign up for this year’s Read for the Record and let them know how many children you will be reading Llama Llama Red Pajama to on Thursday, October 6, 2011. If you don’t own the book, you can check your local library, or go to We Give Books to read it online. (Each time a book is read online, a book is donated to a preschool classroom.)

So, what are you waiting for? Put in your pledge and plan a reading party. Let us know where and how you will be enjoying the book Llama Llama Red Pajama with the kids in your life!

2 thoughts on “Sit Down to Read & Stand Up for Children on October 6, 2011!

  1. I’ve already took the pledge. I homeschool so I will be reading to my four kids and my sister is bringing her little one over for a Llama Llama party. It’s going to be so much fun for the kids and it’s a great cause. We are also major book lovers and it has helped my children in every subject and their vocabulary is amazing. We give our books that we don’t want anymore to some families we know who can’t afford to buy books. Their kids love it!


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